Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Inspired by..

Dugo, duugo planiram da uvedem novu rubriku na blogu. Jedina redovna za sada je "Instagram". Razmisljala sam i razmisljala, i dosla na ideju da napravim rubriku "Inspired by". U rubrici cu postavljati slike ljudi koji su mi inspiracija ili, pak, onih ciji mi se stil jednostavno dopada.
Dakle, prva osoba koju cu vam predstaviti je Branislava Antovic. Zasto? Prosto pitanje. Mogu reci da mi je ona i dala ideju da otvorim blog, a i sugradjanka mi je(red je valjda da i to ispostujem :D). Zavrsila je zurnalistiku i stanuje u Beogradu. Verovatno ste svi videli njen BLOG. Letos sam imala priliku da je licno upoznam, pored odlicnog stila, mogu reci da je osoba sa stavom i odlicnim karakterom. Prepustam vas slikama,
do narednog posta,

I have planed for looong, loong time to make new section on the blog. Beside "Instagram post". Then I came to idea to make "Inspired by" section. In this section I will post pictures of people that I'm (obviously) inspired by.
The first person is Branislava. Why? It's a simply question. She is the main reason why I opened my own blog and she's from my town. She's journalist and she's living in Belgrade now. Check her BLOG. Great person with great personality. Enjoy in photos, 
until the next post,

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cosmic girl

U jednom od prethodih postova ste mogli videti kariranu kosulju, u maslinastoj boji. Sada u crvenoj, jos sa nitnama. Savrseni spoj, sto se mene tice! Farmerice su do skoro bile obicne, ali su mi postale dosadne, pa sam se malo igrala. Vise mi se ovako svidjaju. Kako bi kombinacija bila savrsena, dodala sam na sve to bajkerske cizme i crni kaputic. :)
Toliko od mene za danas! D.

In some of my previous posts you could see plaid shirt in olive green and now the red one, with studs. Perfect match for me! I ripped jeans, because they were too boring and I like them now even more. Biker boots were here just to make the combination perfect!
I hope you like it! D. 

shirt: Zara
jeans: Exact
boots: Deichman
coat: no name
bag: vintage

For the end :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Instagram #2

Dosao je na red i drugi Instagram post. Na Instagramu mozete videti slike moje svakodnevnice i puuuno detalja. Pratite me na @danicaap. Sve slike mozete videti OVDE
Do narednog posta, D.

And here is the second Instagram post. On Instagram you can see my everyday photos and lots of details. Follow me on @danicaap. You can see my profile HERE.
Until next post, D.

Lana Dey Rey moment

 DIY necklace

red nails

with culrls

 camera ring

 some of my favorite parfumes

 playing with effects

 nails of the day

 near the lake #1

 near the lake #2

 just me :P

 tweety mug

 Milka chocolate + mat

 best friends when I was ill

 homemade waffles

 boots of the day #1

 it's all about studs

 boots of the day #2

again me :D

 good morning with good tea

 new nailpolish

a woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting