Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Instagram mania

Hello my dear friends!
Today I want to share with you some of my instagram photos. I'm pretty much obsessed with it. I have some need to picture every detail and to post it. Also, to share with other people. My username is @danicaap. :)
So that is all for today.
Enjoy in this beautiful wether, D!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Affairs of the Heart..

shirt: Koton
pants: no name
shoes: Ti amo ti
earrings: Tally Weijl
heart bracelet and love ring: Rings & Things

I must admit that I'm absolutely in love with this color. Perfect for autumn. I combine it with this mint shirt and got the perfect combination. Also, you can see new jewels from R&T. I hope you like it! <3

Thursday, September 13, 2012

And the reason is U..

Leto nam polako izmice.. Dolaze hladniji dani. Volim jesen, ali mrzim vetar. No, par reci o outfitu. Pantalone koje ste videli u ovom postu su konacno imale svoju "premijeru". Kako sam izgubila par kilograma(nenamerno) nijedne pantalone mi nisu skroz "skinny", ali trudim se da popravim to. :D Kombinovanjem bez i plave boje nikad ne mozete pogreseti. Malo nakita da upotpuni kombinaciju. Ogrlica je vintage, dobila sam je od veoma drage osobe i jako mi je posebna i draga. 
Toliko od mene za danas, nadam se da vam se dopada outfit. :)
Saljem vam veliki poljubac, 
do narednog posta,

Summer is slipping away.. Colder days are coming. I love fall, but I hate the wind. However, a few words about the outfit. Pants that you saw in this post are ultimately had its "premiere". How I lost a few pounds (unintentionally) any pants I have aren't all "skinny" anymore, but I'm trying to fix it. : D
 Matching blue and beige you can never be wrong. A little jewelry to complete the combination. The necklace is vintage, I received from a very dear person and it's very special and dear to me.
Enough from me for today, I hope you like the outfit. :)
Sending you a big kiss,
 until the next post,

pants: no name
shirt: Koton
sweater: Mango
shoes & bag: Deichmann
necklace: vintage

follow me on instagram :) @danaap ;)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wake me up when September ends..

blazer and shorts-handmade; flats:NY; bag: Tasnarija; peace bracelet: Rings & Things

I'm not in the mood for writing today, sorry..
Hope you like it! D.