Friday, March 30, 2012

In the middle of nowhere..

Uobicajena nedeljna setnja sa Majom. Nisam stigla ranije da ubacim slike, zbog obaveza u skoli. :\
Za outfit sam izabrala nesto udobno i uobicajeno. Takodje, u ovom postu mozete jednu od novih majcica(iz predhodnog posta). I da napomenem, osvojila sam ovaj predivan bros na Confessions of a Psycho Cat . Uzivajte u vikendu, veliki pozdrav, D! <3

 The usual weekly walk with Maja. I couldn't upload images earlyer, because of the school obligations. :\ 
 For the outfit I chose something comfortable and casual. Also, in this post you can see one of the new shirts (from previous post). And to mention, I won this beautiful brooch on Confessions of a Psycho Cat. Enjoy your weekend, greetings, D!<3

 Maja i ja smo sasvim slucajno obukle slicne majice :-)
 shirt and flats: New Yorker
shorts: Mango
bag: Daniel Ray
bracelet: diy and Six
sweater: no name