Friday, March 30, 2012

In the middle of nowhere..

Uobicajena nedeljna setnja sa Majom. Nisam stigla ranije da ubacim slike, zbog obaveza u skoli. :\
Za outfit sam izabrala nesto udobno i uobicajeno. Takodje, u ovom postu mozete jednu od novih majcica(iz predhodnog posta). I da napomenem, osvojila sam ovaj predivan bros na Confessions of a Psycho Cat . Uzivajte u vikendu, veliki pozdrav, D! <3

 The usual weekly walk with Maja. I couldn't upload images earlyer, because of the school obligations. :\ 
 For the outfit I chose something comfortable and casual. Also, in this post you can see one of the new shirts (from previous post). And to mention, I won this beautiful brooch on Confessions of a Psycho Cat. Enjoy your weekend, greetings, D!<3

 Maja i ja smo sasvim slucajno obukle slicne majice :-)
 shirt and flats: New Yorker
shorts: Mango
bag: Daniel Ray
bracelet: diy and Six
sweater: no name

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New in

Just wanted to show you things that I recently bought and got. The earrings on left side are from Six and the rest is vintage. It's gift from my grandma. The first (white) shirt is from New Yorker, second and third from Koton, and the last one from Terranova. Outfit post soon. :-)