Sunday, February 17, 2013

Already 19

Two days ago was my 19th birthday. Can't believe that one year more got away. Anyway, I made some changes on myself and I wanted to show you. I'm blonde now, but the photos were taken inside, so you can not see the color as it is. 
I was at local pizzeria with friend, so we took some pictures. This is not an outfit post, but there is some pics of my details.. :)
I hope you'll like my new hair! :P
Until the next post, D.

one from Instagram :)

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Ja sam definitivno osoba koja ne moze da zivi bez muzike, pa bi i tako bilo sebicno od mene da ne pomenem jedan od omiljenih zanrova muzike, ako ne i omiljeni. Reggae. Ustvari, post nije namenjen muzici, vec kralju iste. Ocigledno je o kome se radi. Bob Marley. Da nije preminuo, juce bi mu bio rodjendan. Zato sam i resila da napisem ovaj post. 
Skoro sam odgledala i film o njemu.. Mogu vam reci da sam odusevljena..
Zato vam i toplo preporucujem da odgledate!  
O filmu vise mozete saznati OVDE.

I'm definitely a person who can not live without music, so it would be selfish of me not to mention one of my favorite genres of music, if not the favorite. Reggae. In fact, the post is not meant to music, but the same king. Bob Marley.If he had not died, yesterday would have been his birthday. That's why I decided to write this post.
I recently watched a movie about him .. I can tell you that I am delighted ..
And therefore we strongly suggest you finish watching!
You can find out more about movie HERE.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Instagram #3

As I said, my username is @danicaap , so follow me! :)

 new babies

 swarowski earrings (gift from my baby)

 glitter nails


DIY #1

DIY #2

 playing with effects

dinner with friends

white wine

favorite hair product

lunch #fruitsalad