Saturday, December 22, 2012


I think it's stupid to start every post with same sentence "I'm in rush with time." Well, I am, especially when it's about school. It's the last year, got to bring very important decisions about my next years of schooling. Anyway, I don't have material for one outfit post, so I make some kind of collage of my pictures of previous days. One more week until the end of first semester, and then I'm turning back to my blog.
I hope you like it!
Love, D.

coat: handmade (here)
tights: no brand
bag: Pull&Bear
boots: Deichmann 
hat and scarf: no brand

shirt: Zara
pants: no brand
boots: Deichmann

 dress: handmade
necklace: H&M

 with my friend Filip

with Maja

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Weekly giveaway by OASAP

What a great chance to win amazing peace!
OASAP is giving away one popular peace from their collection every week! You just have to pick your favorite one(s)! These are mine. ;)
More on OASAP.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Inspired by #2

Obzirom da nemam puno slobodnog vremena, nemam vremena ni za slikanje putfit postova. Tako da,  i danas prolazim sa Inspired by postom.
Dakle, opet u glavnoj ulozi jos jedna moja sugradjanka. U pitanju je divna Marija sa My Little Fashion Notebook bloga. 
 Da ne duzim, prepustam vas slikama!

I'm really, reealy short with time. I have so many obligations, so that is the main reason why I don't have time for outfit posts! Here is another Inspired by post. In main role is beautiful Marija from My Little Fashion Notebook.
I hope you like it!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Inspired by..

Dugo, duugo planiram da uvedem novu rubriku na blogu. Jedina redovna za sada je "Instagram". Razmisljala sam i razmisljala, i dosla na ideju da napravim rubriku "Inspired by". U rubrici cu postavljati slike ljudi koji su mi inspiracija ili, pak, onih ciji mi se stil jednostavno dopada.
Dakle, prva osoba koju cu vam predstaviti je Branislava Antovic. Zasto? Prosto pitanje. Mogu reci da mi je ona i dala ideju da otvorim blog, a i sugradjanka mi je(red je valjda da i to ispostujem :D). Zavrsila je zurnalistiku i stanuje u Beogradu. Verovatno ste svi videli njen BLOG. Letos sam imala priliku da je licno upoznam, pored odlicnog stila, mogu reci da je osoba sa stavom i odlicnim karakterom. Prepustam vas slikama,
do narednog posta,

I have planed for looong, loong time to make new section on the blog. Beside "Instagram post". Then I came to idea to make "Inspired by" section. In this section I will post pictures of people that I'm (obviously) inspired by.
The first person is Branislava. Why? It's a simply question. She is the main reason why I opened my own blog and she's from my town. She's journalist and she's living in Belgrade now. Check her BLOG. Great person with great personality. Enjoy in photos, 
until the next post,