Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Znam, znam. Dugo me nije bilo. Sta cu, leto je najveci krivac za to! Slike su napravljene u nedelju uvece. Vece u drustvu mog dragog, najbolje drugarice i njenog decka. Nedelju je obelezio i koncert Ane Stajdohar, mada je (ne)vreme malo kvarilo uzivanje. Toliko od mene za sada.  Do sledeceg posta.. Dana. 

I know, I know. I didn't write for a long time. What should I do, summer is the biggest culprit for it! The photographs are made on Sunday evening. Evening in the company of my beloved, best friend and her boyfriend. Sunday also marked the concert of Ana Stajdohar, though (not) have ruined the enjoyment of a little time. So much from me for now. Until the next post .. Dana.






wearing:jeans:TRN; bag and ring:made by me;belt and necklace:vintage
shirt: NewYorker

Friday, July 8, 2011

Beat It!

  I konačno prvi outfit post! Inače ne volim fotkanje u zatvorenom, ali morala sam jer je torbica bila isuviše mala da bi aparat stao unutra. No, dobro, nisu loše. Casual outfit, sa mojom omiljnom no name suknjicom! Nadam se da će vam se dopasti! Čekam vase komentare! :*****

  Finally the first outfit post! Otherwise I do not like photographing indoors, but I had to because the case was too small to fit inside the device. But, well, not bad. Casual outfit, with my name omiljnom no skirts! I hope you will like it! I'm waiting for your comments! :*****

           skirt: no name; shirt: bugatti; clutch: vintage; earrings: Komodo;
       necklace, red ring: made by me; black ring: gift 
              watch: Faded Glory; bracelet: no name; 
      shoes: Emelie Strandberg

  I za kraj uživajte uz:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Nicole Scherzinger for InStyle

  Mislim da u ovom slučaju slike govore više od reči! :)
  I think that in this case, pictures speak more than words! :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

First DIY on Labels of Love!

  Prvi uradi sam projekat na Labels of Love. Potrebno vam je: torbica(u mom slučaju stara, koju sam slučajno našla), super lepak(ovaj nije baš najbolji, ali nisam mogla drugi da nadjem) i veliki cirkoni različitih oblika. Ja sam izabrala okrugle i pravougaonaste u crnoj boji.

  The first DIY project on Labels of Love. You will need: clutch (in my case the old, which I found by accident), super glue (this is not the best, but I could not find another) and the large zircons of different shapes. I chose round and rectangular in black color.

 Prvi korak: rasporedite cirkone kako god želite, da bi vam bilo lakše za sledeci korak. :)

First step: Arrange zircon whatever you want to make it easier for the next step. :)

 Drugi korak: na svaki cirkon stavite malo lepka(pazite da ne ulepite prste :) ) i lepite na željeno mesto.

 Second step: at each zircon put some glue (be careful not to glue your fingers:)) and put into place.

    glue it....

i lepite...
and glue it...
      I gotovo! Nije uopšte teško i komplikovano, pa probajte. :)
     Nadam se da vam se dopalo! ljub za sve

     And done! It's not difficult and complicated at all, so try it. :) Hope you liked it! 
    kisses for all

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Pošto vreme baš i nije najbolje za fotkanje napolju, pišem kratki post o prstenju. Mislim da ne postoji žena koja ih ne voli. Ove sezone su glavni detalji toalete. Što veći i upečatljiviji ili pak, mali i diskretni. Ja ih volim u svim oblicima i veličinama. :-)
U nekom od narednih postova predstaviću i moju kolekciju. Nadam se da vam se dopadaju slike! Do sledećeg posta veliki poljubac za sve! 

Since time is not exactly the best for photographing outside, I write a short post about the rings. I do not think there is a woman who does not like them. This season, there are the main details of toilets. The larger and more impressive, or, small and discreet. I love them in all shapes and sizes. :-) In some of the next posts I will present my collection. I hope you like the pictures! Until next post big kiss for all!
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