I konacno, rekla je DA. Bilo je tako ocaravajuce. I da, ONA je bila savrsena i prelepa. Haljina bozanstvena, sa svim tim biserima i ostalim detaljima. Za tu priliku, moja snajderka Mira mi je sasila haljinicu, koju sam videla na Zarinom sajtu. Obzirom na to da je nisam nasla u Becu,odlucila sam da je sasijem. Bila je savrseno uklopljena sa kajsicem iz New Yorker-a.Da predjemo na cipele. Cipele su iz radnje koja se zove La Scarpa. Imaju cipele odlicnog kvaliteta uvezene iz Italije. Radnja se nalazi u Kalci, u Nisu. Takodje, u ovom postu mozete premijerno videti moj novi trench iz H&M-a. Uzivajte u slikama,nadam se da vam se svidja! Ljub, ljub, D.
And finally, she said YES. It was so
enchanting. And yes, SHE was perfect and beautiful. Dress was divine,
with all that pearls and other details. For this occasion, my seamstress
Mira sewed me a dress, which I saw the Zara website. Considering the fact that I could't
found it in Vienna, I decided to give my seamstressa job. It was perfect with belt from New Yorker. Shoes are from the store called La Scarpa. They have
excellent quality shoes imported from Italy. Also, in this post you can see the premiere of my new rain
coat from H & M's. Enjoy the pictures, I hope you like! love,D.
I daa, moja nova frizura. Kraca kosa za 20 cm. Kako vam se svidja ? :)
And Yeah, my new haircut. Hair shorter by 20 cm. How do you like it ? :)
Moj brat/ My brother :)
belt:New Yorker
ring and bracelet:Six
necklace:my mother's
shoes: Ti amo ti